I think deep down you aren’t evil but you’re very unwell which showed the most in your tearing down other girls. Your current posts are the most sincere I’ve seen you and it’s obvious you’re full of pain which is why you were being so cruel, but that’s not a good way to live. Doesn’t fix anything, just makes the world more miserable. I don’t think it’s good for you to hang around here, regardless of whatever else you do in life. Some of the mean shit I’ve said ITT has been facts but some of it has been an attempt at shocking you into realizing that you should change your ways. You don’t actually like hearing cruel shit, nobody does, so at least try to be nicer if you’re going to live the way you do. Otherwise you will attract even more negativity like this thread has proven. This shit is not sustainable. The high and rush from getting (you)s and pretending to be above it all isn’t worth it.
I have a soft spot of pity when it comes to abortion. Held my ex’s hand as she bled out in a bathtub. She was in so much pain all because she knew her body and brain couldn’t handle a baby. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone but I could never ever hate anyone for having one.