if we initially got to talk personally we might get along, although obviously we're very different, like someone said it seems like we have some neurodivergent traits in common. the fact that she has distanced herself from these spaces says a lot... most of the rest of us here are addicted to attention and that usually comes with being fairly immature and vain.
thank you <3 although i do wear makeup, just not foundation so it might not be as obvious.
my discord is @dextraverse and my twitter is @bellacakes_x
when i post on 4chan now i post as myself with a timestamp always. i don't really need to samefag anymore because i posted there for months like everyday so my pics get reposted a lot. ive always been a self-admitted samefagger though--at least on 4chan. me and this other guy would samefag my posts as a part-time job.