So was mr well-known groomer innocent? Mistaken identity? She threatened to give you a knuckle sandwich if you continued? Why the regrets and feeling you were misguided, is what I'm trying to work out.

It used to be impossible to reason with her directly because of her fear of orbiters not taking criticism well and pulling another Eric, so the only alternative was to confront those people directly but subtly without her knowledge and that didn't always go well... So while I personally have no regrets confronting people, I understand it becomes more complicated than it's worth sometimes to deal with her demons and it personally costed me my friendship with her because she too stubbornly stuck to the "if I ignore it enough maybe they will stop" mentality. She really couldn't grasp that ignoring the pedro behavior just empowered those types of people to do more.

If she had listened to my advice and not given into fear and not tolerated the BS people threw at her, she probably wouldn't be banned from 90% of the internet right now after jealous roasties reported her repeatedly for literally no legit reason. But it is what it is I suppose. 

On the bright side, she has learnt her lesson (more-so she's forced the lesson) so even if mr well-known groomer was in her DMs the probability of him doing anything inappropriate and him getting immediately evicted from her presence is close to 100%. That's not to say there aren't people who were bad actors but stopped, including ones I confronted I still see speaking to her... I still think it should be "pretend to be her friend and lewd her once and you're out of the picture permanently even if you found God or something because clearly you were never a genuine friend to begin with". Telling her who she can be friends with just seems possessive though (which is probably what you seemed like to her) so I'll just trust her judgement.