Finally some good fucking bait....
That's all I wanted...
(long rant about how I'm not actually paranoid and just an edgy sociopath boi here)(something vaguely menacing here)(casually antagonistic retort)

I'll give you this bit of my backstory, maybe because I want you to understand, or maybe because I want it thrown in my face, or maybe because I just want you to wonder if I'm telling the truth.

That story I wrote, about my wife getting breast cancer and me killing someone in a drunk driving accident and her taking the fall is actually pretty based on actual events, like obviously I didn't kill anyone.
But I did have a wife and a kid, my daughter was 4 years old and I was a pretty shitty dad. I was there, but I was never really "there" and my wife did have cancer, granted it was a slow growing one and she had several years left. I never really cared too much.
Well anyway, it was my day to pick up our kid from daycare and I had had a really long day at work and I refused and told her to do it. We argued but eventually she did. She ended up getting hit by a drunk driver on the way home and my little girl died then and there...

It never really hit me right away, and I wasn't particularly supportive towards my wife who was really not taking it well. I ended up hitting her in an argument and she went to stay with her mom.... Eventually she called me and told me about how she's at the end of her rope and wants to kill herself and my only response was "Yeah, ok. Do a flip faggot." And she ended up killing herself 2 weeks later.
That's when everything hit me, that's when I broke and I realized what a monster I had become, ever since then I've always tried to make things right and help protect people who need it.
The only reason I've been so mean to Cewl is because she abused that empathy, I showed her a piece of my heart and she just ripped into it like a monster, and I guess she just dragged up a part of me that I have long since buried.

I'm sorry Cewl, please don't hate me. I can't help myself... I really do love you in my own broken little way and it really did terrify me that when you told me you loved me I realized how much I wanted to save you. I just... I couldn't handle the vulnerability. It's not your fault.
I really did just want to hear your voice one last time and I just wanted you not to hate me, but it's clearly too late for that... Please just understand that I'm a very flawed human being and I can't process my emotions for shit and whether by design or by accident you really triggered me. I never wanted to make my ugly nihilistic rage your problem.