What are you talking about? I'm not panicking about shit. Overreaction is my middle name. Or mellow dramatic, as I told Cewl.
I helped get everyone to hate Cewl more than they already did, I caused her stress and now no matter what, I am part of her story and that shit will never not get thrown in her face.
She's a bad person who exploits vulnerable incels and doesn't care who she hurts.

You are a tranny(I'm not actually 100% on that one) who thinks you are some kind of authority figure. The way you go about things is incredibly dangerous and harmful. You think you have the moral high ground despite being a really shitty person. You also like hurting vulnerable incels. You are sick and I managed to get in your head and fuck with you a fair bit. In your hunting a fly with a shotgun moment you admitted to the fact that you're logging everyones ip, which good job. you've managed to figure out that I use a VPN and also possible that I have premium proxies I hide behind.
You know... I'm not owed an apology but I really did like you. Had you just not acted like a turbo cunt when I reached out to you none of this would have happened.