oh, well you did a damn good impression of him
his whole "you must feel this way because I feel this way and if you disagree, it's because you dOn'T uNdErStAnD" schtick is annoying
I honestly wasted so much time debating him until I saw that he's been doing the same conversations for over a decade, with same phrases like "I cAn bE cOnSiDeReD aN eXPerT"
Expert masturbator maybe...
> i think wxhluyp's theory nicely explains the causal chain that causes agp
Eh, I don't have any trauma, was never bullied or ridiculed for my love for femininity, so it's not based in shame or anything
Why do you think that it does? 
And wxhlyup thinks AGP doesn't exist, his words is that no agp is actually aroused by being a woman, which is straight up denial and autistic delusion on his part...He denies blanchard.
That's actually my main problem with him, I don't care about the origins, it's that he doesn't understand what agp is at all.
> erotic target location error? it's kinda weak
I haven't been following it too closely but there's a paper out recently that found sone ETLEs in other fetishes
> i haven't heard a sound criticism of him so far
like when he starts to talk about unconcious desires and feelings you can't feel, that's just making stuff up to justify your conclusions
You might as well say I have a female soul at that point
> they want to think of their fetish as casual and just a kink
I'm talking about the regulars on his forum complaining that there are too many sissies there who aren't MEF and don't understand it, hurting the discussion there