men have an evolutionary need to be perceived as masculine and they're more imaginative so the emasculation can often be self inflicted 
(side point: any society that takes up equality of genders most often ends emasculating men rather than actually empowering women to level the field)
i think when wxhluyp says 'underlying maleness' he's referring to an organism's subconcious awareness of what it is and to keep being what it is just like a living organism has an inherent drive to keep being alive 
when an agp is thoroughly convinced of wanting to become a woman that is a very advanced stage of his self identification with the idea 
i guess you want to know what part does attraction to women or a man's regular gynephilic tendency play in all this, that i don't know yet 
one of the things wxhluyp says about modern sissies is that they're burdened with the idea of self identity as a result of 'tiktokification' of sissy sphere which has blurred the distinction between sexual desire and identity 
here he asks us to learn from the past ie boomer sissies when mef was present in it's raw distilled form