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Imagine if you will and for your consideration and permission, allow me to provide an alternate ending to your well written story which I give a 9/10.

> Why Ashley,what a superb idea. I need to go back with my own kind.
Alternate ending begins
"Will you come with me?" the black monster queried. Ashley feeling rather uncomfortable replied, "What chance does a prejudiced, extremely cute and charismatic girl such as myself have in Africa? I would be harangued by your kind out of sheer jealousy." The black monster, sadly agreeing dashed out the door.

Ashley walked to the kitchen for an ice cold Pepsi relieved that the whole episode was over. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. She walked to the door and opened it. A silhouette haunted her doorway. The figure spoke to her asking in a strange accent, "Did you order a sausage pizza and a Pepsi?" Ashley screamed out of fear and frustration. She then opined, "OMG, it's Groundhog Day and deja vu all over again and I am now doomed to repeat the  same scenario over and over for all eternity, for ever and ever and ever and......