The first thing was that her real first name was leaked by a member of her inner-circle. Her facebook account was then found back in 2015. It was quickly removed, but her full name and family and friends were already identified. Family photos with Ashley were later leaked in 2016 from these accounts. Although her dox wasn't leaked to everyone. Many anon came to realize that Ashley lived near Denver, Colorado. Photos of Ashley were leaked online and no one knew where they came from? Later, in 2017, some anon, claiming to have leaked the photos said they were in an ldr with Ashley and made her real name public. Anon then looked up Ashley's info online and found her voting information. The information from there was used to identify her on people search websites. Her family was then identified on these websites. Then their social media accounts were released by anon. An anon came forth claiming to go to school with Ashley. Ashley was later identified on the graduation list confirming anon's story. Sometime goes by and more pictures of Ashley are leaked online. A nude of Ashley is leaked along with them but it is cropped and censored. No one knows if it's real because it looks like it could be her in her room. Photos of the inside of Ashley's house are posted online and they are from a realty website. Apparently, Ashley had moved. The latest is some anon on discord claiming to be Ashley. A goth picture of a girl resembling Ashley was posted. It could be her because her brother and his gf are goth and they all live together with Ashley's dad...like Mexicans.