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idk, just curious, but i think that she will come back after some time because the archive channel gets like 40-50 subs every month and 200 views a day
Nah, but she's getting popular and popular even while there are 0 new vids on the channel, I believe that she will start new channel after some time
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far as I know there's at least one location more recent than the record of her dad selling the famous wood paneled house, and it's in the same suburban part of the same state, only cheaper. unless she moved out of home it's possible that Kay is still there

I forget the details but that's probably because I have brain damage that causes me to think of 90* angles that connect waypoints
Hey guys, someone reported doxxing, and I want to be clear: it isn't illegal (therefore not against global rules) as long as it doesn't contain private information. In that case that content has to be removed. So as long as you guys gathering publicly available information, it's ok.
apparently she's studying at colorado state university in the college of veterinary medicine and biomedical sciences

some guy saw her on the university's public website and recognised her right away
She made those before she was even sixteen. All she has to do is say she was imitating what she saw on the internet and was being ironic to fit in, desperate for attention, etc. "Oh I didn't know about that Holocaust thing! I'm sure that totally happened, oh those poor kikes I'm really sorry." Besides are people going to picket a vet's office over silly videos made st the turn of the century?

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