At the chink restaurant we'd just splash water directly on the ground (no wet mop) and then push it around with the mop, wringing it out heaps until the floor was dry. I've never seen anyone mop that way before but I must say it worked there which was good as the floor would get fucking filthy. Probably way overkill for normal stuff.
They had some weird practices though. They had this machine that food waste was dumped into. It would separate the solids from the liquids, and then the oil from the water. The water went into the sewers, the solids into the bin, and the oil was meant to go into these big drums to be picked up by a truck. The chinks stopped paying due to being chinks and so we'd collect the oil in buckets, leave it to solidify, and then use a paint scraper to scrape it out, dump it in plastic bags, and put it in the skips out the back. I dread to think what happened to those bags during the day when the oil no doubt melted again.