First one came out normal, but I think she's a sociopath.
Second one is type II autistic. Otherwise she is functional and the only one of the four I have any time for.
Third one came out with a bunch of brain missing (pancake head) and is fed by a socket thing on its stomach. Has Mr Magoo glasses. This thing is a piece of shit and the one that is getting kicked out of school after 1 year. Needs to be beaten to death.
Fourth one is autistic and non-communicative. Just sits and rocks and screams.
I think gestational diabetes had something to do with them being half-cooked hamburger patties.
Stupid bitch was encouraged to abort 3 and 4, but "we always wanted three kids" and "we always wanted four kids".
One income. Sister was the hair dressing equivalent of Monk, getting sacked from every job. Then just stopped working altogether once she got her hooks into Bill.