Who do you think I am and why do you think I suddenly arrived?
> cause drama
I don't think I need to add to the drama.
> We
And just who are you? Are you Beau? If not, why do you speak as though you are?
> delete the board
So we can move to nuro's discord? Lol, get fucked.
> two NEETs here want you dead
Yeah, nuro and tiffin want to kill iga. I'm not IGA so I'm terribly concerned. What I would be concerned about though is the fact that your name and address are publicly known here (and frequently posted) whilst you don't know anything about iga. He could dob you in to crimestoppers or report you for illegally living in an industrial area. Or he could just kill you one morning. The three of you cunts are mental enough that killing someone over some teenage girl level bullshit on the internet would not surprise me lol.