> in town
> see crying child running around
> child visibly lost
> ask child how its doing
> "where's dada!?"
> look around
> several normies walk past, aware of situation but do nothing. 
> ask child where dada was
> "where's dada?!"
> child tries to run into busy road
> cut off child
> call out to a nearby old woman to babysit child
> she's Greek, thank fuck. 
> stand around for several minutes, not really sure what to do
> see middle aged soymale running around carpark about 500 yards out
> He's doing that normie crouch they do when they lose things
> wave and whistle to soyman
> soyman runs over
> dada dada dada
> confirm for dada
> dad picks up child and runs away
> teary mother with pram comes out of nowhere
> immediately points at me and starts accusing me of abducting child
> wat
> half the town is now watching, don't want to run away, can't get a word in edgeways
> bad situation
> Greek nona reapears
> straight up slaps this woman
> yells at her for not looking after her child
> says the child almost got run over
> explains in broken English with hand geatures that I was just a bystander
> crowd now confused and embarrassed
> everyone leaves

This is why we can't have nice things.