You never lower your guard in a street fought because you don't know who has a knife. The correct play is to sidestep and throw a jab because at that range you're not going to get taken down, and if they've got a weapon they're going to pull it out as they put their guard up.
And you can just throw this sliding step jab over and over to maintenance that distance, an untrained fighter won't know how to rotate with their off-foot and after you do this three or four times they're bound to try mirroring you and shuffling with their off foot. That's when you can throw a full power right sweep, because all their weight is forward on their left they can't check it and will go down. The third move in this series is strong language, as you're not going to follow them down and they won't be able to get up without you booting them in the ribs. So you just abuse them for a while then walk off.