Yep. It works as well as you can imagine.
The only people that honestly benefit are people in the bush because you don't need to stick to the price guide.
So a physio or whatever can only charge $220 ish per hour, and usually 30min travel time.
If they need to go out whoop whoop, they can privately arrange their own charges between them and the participant.
$220 is a lot, but if you got that to work with Bob who lives in the city and 10 mins away, what incentive is there to drive 3 hrs to Ben living in the bush?
Can also avoid having to justify supports in the same way.
So if Barb wants to go swimming weekly but her only listed disability is a psychosocial disorder, generally you need to spin a story about how engaging in community activities is good for integrating them into mainstream society, with self managed, I doubt anyone would even ask.
They do get audited but that costs more than tightening the strings saves.