There was a bloke unconscious on a bench in front of the state library. He had some unopened beer cans and a mostly full bottle of that Fireball whiskey. A strange man nearby called Phil press-ganged me into helping him as he was worried the man would roll of the bench and hit his head. Phil had called an ambulance, he was asking questions about the priority of the job which made me think he might be a doctor or something. He told the paramedics he was a physiotherapist but later told me he was an investment banker. He claimed to be from Adelaide and said the pommy accent was from living in London for 20 years. He scolded me for initially walking past without offering assistance. Bosslady paramedic was angry with him for playing doctor and telling her what to do. She was also angry at the unconscious man, I don't know if he heard. The other one smiled at me but didn't say anything. I didn't see any empties around. Phil said it was probably just from alcohol but the man seemed to have some marks on his face. I think he might have had a run in with some deros or something. The North Terrace boongs have been absent for a while so it probably wasn't them, not that they don't cause a lot of trouble. The homeless around here fucking hate then. Supposedly they bash them just for fun and the mugging part of it is just a little bonus. I've heard the same sort of stories from more than a few so I'm inclined to believe it. Of course SAPOL can't do anything about a pack of boongs bashing people in the city. I think I'll start trying to help people more like Phil said I should. I said I find it scary due to the risk of people being junkies. He said that if they seem sluggish or are unconscious then they aren't really a threat but it's different in America due to the fentanyl. He said Adelaide is more dangerous than it was 20 years ago. Not sure how that looks with official crime stats but I'd believe it with all the sudos and other filth. Mike, that homeless paratrooper I mentioned in early 2018, hated the sudos even more than the boongs.
Another boring night in Adelaide I suppose.