I knew some Webers who lived in rural Victoria. They had a daughter who was pretty hot and about my age. I should've done something about it but naturally I didn't. I probably really had a chance considering the lack of options she had. I remember trying to start a fire in front of her. She didn't think I'd be able to do it due to the rain the night before but I managed to get one going using only match. I showed the way to strike a match (striking not dragging) as I'd learnt in scout. I used to also try to impress her with how quickly I'd pick chestnuts. I figured my work ethic would impress her.  They were with some whacko Christian group called the Brethren. They wouldn't have much to do with anyone outside the church. Their mother used to give us cows milk. I mostly remember this because it was in a big rectangular container instead of a jug or something. My mother would give them biscuits and stuff in return.
There were many points at which my life could've gone very differently.