thumbnail of dont let the system tell you.jpg
thumbnail of dont let the system tell you.jpg
dont let the system... jpg
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Got in a lift with Karen from middle management today. Some repair chud was riding it up to the plant room on the roof and had also unlocked the button for the secret top level, the one reserved for devs and celebs and corporate whores. You can be a basic privs user for decades and not see this epic shit so i block the door open and we are walkig around checking it out, taking selfies with the view windows and being unauthorized as all get out. Karen trys her swipe card on the doors that go outside to the viewing pad but no beuno so we leave before the security drones can buzz us. Should have been happy at stumbling on the cheat for the forbidden zone but I was fuked up about missing out my chance to do a running dive off the pad to the street below and end my simulation like a Boss. Got enough XP bonuses from today to level up and play something else for a while. Bike wheel is buckled and the ride in now features fukn frost. I'm too short time for this shit.