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He’s my favorite client and I’m fond of him, feel kinda bad about it. Basically he’s severely autistic non verbal. He can escalate with violence and has problems with emotional regulation, if he starts getting angry he just keeps getting angrier and you just have to ride out and try deescalate best you can.

So we went out for a nice two hour walk on a path near the beach, I bought a snack with us but he didn’t want it when we got halfway. When we got back to the car it was pretty much lunchtime and he was happy and not asking for food so I decided we could just go straight home and he could have lunch there. When we got home he escalated very quickly, I knew it was probably because of hunger, so in between giving him reassurance and trying to avoid being whacked or poked in the throat I start putting his lunch on the table. It’s counterintuitive but getting close to him and giving him firm hugs helps calm him, whilst hugging him you lightly  put you hands on his wrists so you can kind of predict if he’s about to strike you, he tried lunge for my face while I had  hold of my wrist,  he’s pretty strong, all though I redirected it away from my face , having hold of his wrist he pushed my arm
Back behind my head and wrenched my shoulder .