thumbnail of Ford Falcon BF3 key fob.jpg
thumbnail of Ford Falcon BF3 key fob.jpg
Ford Falcon BF3 key... jpg
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Got into a cleaning mode. I ran the breadmaker with dough in the oven bit and it smoked but it was outside on the BBQ, lol. I spent twenty minutes thinking up how to clean it because they're so much of a bitch to clean they're disposible, which is a criminal in wastefulness but suits me cos I get them for free. Worst loaf of bread I ever made in the thing. The mixer baffle wasnt on and it just warmed up the loaf instead of cooking it. They are not programmable and the menus are best guess unless i want to time them and write it down in a database. I will get around to reprogramming the EEEPROM after I finish the microwave link project, you know, ''in my oscilloscope laborotory? I also cleaned something else which is the start of much in depth cleaning and examination.