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thumbnail of Spiderman-1.jpg
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Awful day today. I felt woed upon waking up. A girl in a newsboy cap at uni kept smiling at me but I didn't talk to her. I've got that horrible not-quite-alive feeling again. pic very related. The schizo bag at the train station told me I "looked very presentable" and that she liked my hat. She didn't remember me despite our earlier conversations. She hangs around the train stations and talks about butterflies or my clothes. She pays close attention to the graffiti in the area and will ask about the meaning of it. Unsurprisingly she often finds butterflies in it.
I befriended a hoholette. She is an engineering student but is basically a neet in that she is asocial and does the bare minimum of work for uni. She said she mostly plays video games when she isn't at uni and that I was the only person she'd spoken to in weeks other than her mother. Her English is excellent so I don't know how that works - she strikes me as the type to have been raised by the internet. I don't know much about Ukraine but she was still impressed by the bits of trivia I learnt from the kaycee. I was expecting her to play open world fantasy games but oddly enough she is into online fps games. I might try to find a game we can both play together. On her laptop she had some tabs open for some imageboard in slav moonrunes. She is definitely not my type in terms of looks (she has that awkward gaunt look that slavs often do) nor in terms of her personality (she is too much like me), but it is nice to have an irl friend. I guess we will see if I can keep this social thing up.