Take this cunt for example.
In this video https://youtube.com/watch?v=rEn0pDpnZOM he uses a 4.9152Mhz oscillator which he feeds into a LM4060, dividing by 8192 (resulting in 600Mhz), and then feeding into a LM7492 and dividing by 12 to get 50Hz.
In this video https://youtube.com/watch?v=9_zrCpDgSh8 he uses a 4.9152Mhz oscillator which he feeds into a LM4060, dividing by 8192, and then feeding into a LM4017 and dividing by 10 to get 60Hz.
The STUPID fucking CURRY NIGGER could have used an oscillator at half that clock speed (2.4576Mhz) and used an LM4017 in both examples, connecting either pin 6 (divide by 5) or 7 (divide by 6) to pin 15 (reset) and achieved both 50Hz and 60Hz.
REEEEEing so much I nearly chocked on my Chobani yoghurt.