I didn't go a date today but I had a fairly enjoyable day at the very least.
I made a pass at two different girls. In both cases I struck up a very short conversation as a sort of probing attack but neither of them seemed particularly interested. The debicki girl wasn't in today but I spoke to her friend a bit and helped her find a book in the library. I went for a walk through Rundle mall and talked to a girl my age, a woman in her late 30s or so, and an old lady. I find talking to women easier than men. I don't know why this is.
There were many opportunities today for social and romantic interaction but I chickened out on a bunch of them. I am still very hesitant to talk to people for whatever reason but I am making progress and that is enough for me. I've have no desire to be a normie and I look down on them somewhat but I know I can be better than I am and so that is what I am working towards.
I will try to have something more interesting to report tomorrow.