Having a good day today. The second mongster was a mong idea. My arse exploded in protest. I barely made it to the dunny in time. There is a fairly secret one that no undergrads know about so it is always pretty clean. I hadn't even gotten my arse down before the shit shot out into the bowl.
I bought some apples and bananas to snack on. I'm still at uni though probably not for long.
I saw a girl watching The Talented Mr Ripley so I stopped to talk to her. I told her I love the novel and showed her my flatcap. I told her I got it because of the book which is half true. She tried it on without asking which I wasn't very happy about. Having people take things that I regard as mine makes me chimpout. I lost all interest in the girl but out of politeness I didn't show my anger. Girls look nice with flatcaps but it was way too big on her.
I look much better now that my hair is fixed up. I have written down the barber's description of it, including the numbers so I can get it done the same way by him next time. I like wearing the flat cap but I like also being able to take it off and not feel worried. The shorter length makes washing and drying it far easier too. The barber can do good work, you just need to be very firm with him. He fucks everything up if you aren't attentive.