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07b338b06a07cb3e3df1d... png
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This happened around a year ago.
> woken up my neighbors shrill scream
> most fucken terrifying scream in my life
> ponder what to do because she keeps screaming
> think neighbor is beating the shit out of his wife
> mom just went for groceries
> call the police while basically having a panic attack
> hear noise in the stairs etc
> slam my door open but theres noone there
> she opens the door after like 2 secs and we just stare at eachother for like 2-3 secs
> then close my door and lock it fast
> later when the police arrive one of them talks to me and tells me that 3 people with guns just broke into her apartment
> i just realize i almost got myself killed because i slammed my door open
> didnt even realize there was people with guns or that they were breaking into her apartment
> almost got myself killed because i tried helping a woman who i thought was being beat up by her husband