A long day for a NEET like me. JSP gave me the tax declaration forms and safety worksafe stuff for the wage I'm starting tomorrow. Physical forms like I would be too much of a mong to do it online. I was kinda wondering if they were sit there and help me fill them in. 6am wakeup for a 7:30 start. I hope I can sleep.
Then went into the city to get my black market nicotine. Train back was delayed and some weird dude with pink streaks in his hair and an emo outfit had a fit about it, screaming about being late etc. The confrontation anxiety wasn't as bad as that mong at coles but I was still ashamed to feel it when this guy was a scrawny soyboy type.
You seen much combat?
You need an empathetic, experienced helpdesk operator like me to manage these things and other ad-hoc business requirements.