I know the Chinese tenderize their meat with sodium bicarbonate but to hide the rancid bitter flavor they use lots of teriyaki sauce and often mix it up with other foods so you can't tell the difference. I'd be up to trying something but not if it's going to change the flavor too much. What I like about the "pineapple disintegration" technique is it causes no change in flavor to the beef, it still tastes the same.
We're all considered "boomers" and "goyim" because we like the nice things in life, like good music, good food, etc. Every time I don't talk about politics or Jews, there is comes, "goyim!" "boomer!" etc. Every time I do mention about political corruption, or Jewish influence in our media, many people don't seem to like that either. What I've learned on the internet: you just cannot please some people. Move on!