Hard to say if gun confiscation would ever work in America, as there are far more guns than there are people. People also outnumber law enforcement as far as firearm and ammo purchases, every single year. Even if mandatory, I doubt many would comply or admit what they have. It would be pretty next to impossible to enforce too. Think about going door to door, across an entire continent. America is huge and vastly spread out. We have over 19,000 small towns, hundreds of small cities, dozens of major cities. We also have suburbs and homes sprawling out all the way to city limits and even innawoods and nearby lakes and rivers too. Down steep valleys and up mountains. Backroads and rural junctions. If you want to come to me you gotta drive down a gravel road for 10 minutes to get to my home in Missouri and out here everyone has guns, it's common to hear people practice their shooting. Not to mention we have good sheriffs that are pro-2nd and would not bother enforcing such draconian non-sense. So there is some hope that we won't meet the same fate as Europe. However... they do have other plans for us. Supply chain disruptions, replacement immigration, increased taxation and austerity measures, etc. What they can't do physically they'll do economically and that is the main threat today.