> these are the very controversial tweets that got her hated globally and axed from everything she her herself created by the trans community and every leftest ran media Company
In a free country you would have the freedom of speech. However much of America has lost a whole lot of freedom, as well common sense. The criminals and low life loons run so much of the populated cities and institutions today. At least most institutions and media, and that includes places like Disney and Hollywood. Here's the sad reality: if you participate with these institutions you are basically locking yourself in their radical ideological chains. Once you are a part of that system you join a giant hive mind of degeneracy and idiocy and if you try breaking from it by critically thinking? They will backstab you. NO MATTER WHAT. No matter who you are, no matter how much you grovel and apologize and sympathize with them. It happens all the time.
> are you prepared?
Yes. I don't belong to any of their institutions. I do not engage with these idiots in social media either. I live in a rural Bible-thumping gun-toting State. I am also prepared to defend myself and property if need ever arise. It's not likely these nut cases could pull the same kind of shit over here and get away with it. Believe it or not in some parts of America people would still snap back and break a skull, or end up shooting one of them, or chasing some punk off a road with an old Dodge pickup truck. The way it should be.