I would argue criminals have hijacked our governments in the West and they simply virtue signal as if they are for equality, equity, fairness and are tolerant yet in reality they are thieving lying cheating scumbag con-artists who are inhumane, nasty and intolerant to the majority of the citizen population, who refuse to do what is in the interests of the nation and it's own population.

How about we finally end that sometime? How about the silent majority get a voice and demand change and accountability and vote for better leadership? Until then the world will suck. Until then our nations will further fall into tyranny, poverty, oppression and societal collapse/ balkanization.

White people are being replaced because of open border policy, our governments paying third world illegals to invade our States and local communities, while they have wrecked havoc on our economy for decades of overspending, outsourcing industry, wasting taxpayer money, creating endless wars overseas, neglecting and outright ignoring real national security concerns, one bad policy after another after another.

Want to change that? Throw out the retarded insane criminal incompetent assholes in Congress and the White House come election time.