thumbnail of Carrot,_Juliana_Anicia_Codex.jpg
thumbnail of Carrot,_Juliana_Anicia_Codex.jpg
Carrot,_Julia... jpg
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This Decade felt strange to me as someone who identifies more with the decade before. I guess the peak though for the culture I like was 2010 to 11, when all the edgy stupid shitposting was getting noticed but before it was Corporatize fully. I don't like all the centralization on social media. Remember when every fandom and tech niche would have it's own forum? Now everything is getting pushed to social media and fandoms often exist as a cyclops. Were Bronies the last large fandom that still set up and organized around their own sites? As sad as that is. A lot of my hangouts held out till 2016 or 17 when Discord swept in and killed those that hadn't been taken out by Facebook and reddit. I could stay all negative but I actually have found friends on the few scattered communities that remain and there is still some positive developments and some places that will never succumb do to being more esoteric in nature. I see the situation as still bad but not hopeless.

I guess happy new years.