The 20's are going to be interesting in that I feel like I'm actually *in* history.

Maybe it's partly because the 00's-10's don't have a simple term like "the twenties" (no one said the aughts or teens, for example) and also the fact that those decades made up my adolescence. 

More importantly though I think that the past three decades have largely been a sort of 'interperiod'. We saw the neoliberal hegemony of Europe and the US, with the downfall of the USSR. The rise of China and the precariousness of the global financial institutions means to me that things are finally coming to a head.

We are falling back into history. We aren't going to remain peaceful and (relatively) prosperous indefinitely. Now is the time to strengthen ourselves so that we may remain in history and have something to pass onto our descendants (the fact that you have managed to find this means that you have at least somewhat of a leg up over the plebs just finding out about the internet).

Happy New Years, and Godspeed anons.