> Remember when every fandom and tech niche would have it's own forum?
It's probably being done in order to monopolize on everything and get as much money out of them as possible. Niche markets mean big bucks if done correctly.
Example: First recent Star Wars film of of 2014-2016(?) was one of the most highest grossing films of all time. You tell investors that you can pull those numbers on their products and you can imagine what happens afterwards
> A lot of my hangouts held out till 2016 or 17 when Discord swept in and killed those that hadn't been taken out by Facebook and reddit. I could stay all negative but I actually have found friends on the few scattered communities that remain and there is still some positive developments and some places that will never succumb do to being more esoteric in nature
Best thing you could do. Just try not to make as much noise and hope your hobbies don't become too popular
I hope so. Last two decades were such a bore, I barely remember anything interesting. Do remember things becoming lamer though