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My 2010s were pretty crazy. I spent a couple years as a NEET, then I moved cities worked for a few years. Then I travelled to a few countries and got a gf, and then I went back to university. My plan for the 2020s is to get a stable skilled job and start earning decent money. I want to live cheaply and save money either to retire or buy fun AI toys. I don't think we'll have any proper VR waifus this decade, as in an AI which you can actually get emotionally attached to or have a conversation with. But we might start seeing some primitive versions.
I'd like to see more advances in computer hardware and AI. I'd hope to see further development in quantum computing to the point where the first consumer-grade quantum computers begin to be released. I'd also hope to see development of good specialised AI, for example self-driving cars which can take you anywhere, or AI which can compose music or draw art. We started seeing the beginning of these things in the late 2010s, and the 2020s are our chance to make them useful and widespread. But I think we'd need to see much more powerful CPUs to do that.
Basic VR technology should also become commonplace in the 2020s, but there's a long way to go before we can make real virtual worlds that a person might want to live in. I think the coming decade will mostly be spent refining the existing approach to VR. It will take at least another big invention to make VR really good.
Geopolitically I'd expect to see China and Russia equalise the playing field with the USA. This won't necessarily be a good thing for us, but it will have to happen. There could be a lot of tensions and possibly a second Cold War as the USA loses its global influence. Climate change will get worse but it won't get bad enough to cause major problems.