thumbnail of apu magnifyign.png
thumbnail of apu magnifyign.png
apu magnifyign png
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>  I wonder if this threads OP is still around?
Imma still here fam. Just trying to think of what to write next

> Strangely enough it only ever comes towards Endchan in my experience, and I'm saying this as a janitor on other similarly slow imageboards. 

the spammers that go here also spam other boards. I've seen them and reported some of it to have their shit deleted. XDDDDDDDDD

It's pretty weird because old 8chan and even 4chan had similar spam that we see here. That's too coincidental for me tbh

> Doesn't really phase me too much but I wish some of the old people would come back. 

tbh I think most people that posted in general died from corona during these last few years. It certainly feels like there's less people posting on the internet nowadays