I'm not a gamer so I can't speak for video games, but older computers work just fine depending what operating systems you run on them, and how you use them. I have an old PC running Windows XP even today, I use it to store my personal files offline. I don't have any bloatware on it and I can still run a bunch of programs and rip CDs or DVDs with it and use up about 10% CPU max. Since it doesn't go online it won't be vulnerable to viruses, control freaks at Microsoft can't get to it remotely and fuck it up, hackers can't get into it, blah.
As for
> computers are way better now
The hardware is much better today. The operating systems today ARE NOT BETTER AT ALL!!!' Newer operating systems are full of unnecessary bloatware that need unnecessary routine updating and endless "patches" that don't make it any less vulnerable. I totally disagree with you on that statement, the programmers today suck ass. I would totally stick with an obscure Linux OS and an older de-bloated Windows system than ever run anything new on my computers or laptops.
As for all that newer "smart" tech, any utility that needs to be online just to use it is not worth jack shit to me. I'll stick with my older utilities.