If they tell you not to worry you better be very worried.
If they tell you not to prepare, you better be prepping like the end of the world in near.
If they tell you to take experimental drugs or "vaccines", you better stay away and watch what happens to those that have.
If they tell you to fight their wars, you better question why those wars are worth dying for in the first place.
If they tell you to shut up, you better start shouting from the rooftops because there is an obvious cover-up.
If they tell you that others have no credibility, you better listen with an open mind to what those censored people are saying.
If they tell you to disarm yourself, you better buy some more ammo because only bad people want good people disarmed.
If they tell you the economy is great, you better be prepared for another great depression and austerity measures.
I've taken these measures for the last 20 years and I do not regret it the least bit. Today I am so much more prepared for crisis than most average people are. The economic downturn has not impacted me the slightest because I was well prepared and listened to the right people, all of now whom have been censored from most Big Tech platforms.