drinkin screwdrivers & again, still trying to take it easy
i think i'm on my 8th drink so far, been takin shots & such, should be counting better, yet i rarely do anyways
i'm bingewatching the show "arcane", i'm on episode 3, it seems alright, never played a leagofledgens game either, just heard it was a good show; the show reminds me of dishonored, which i love
like the one anon said, this is sorta just a blog; i don't really care, its something, it is my thread, i do what i please, and i'm not spamming it constantly on other's threads either
partly, this acts as a way to keep myself sane, i try not to remember a lot anymore, not much worth remembering, that habit has become a fault now, however
i really wish i could do better though, yet i'm not exactly able to; my life revolves around me either doing private security or getting drunk, looking at shit on the internet or playing bideogayms; entertaining you guys better would be nice, yet i'm truly not an entertaining person
aside from that, i'm also busy having constant ptsd attacks, shit keeps ringin in my head like a bell that won't stop, luckily i haven't been getting nightmares that are that bad so far, its been manageable