> Is it even stoppable?

YES IT IS! But unfortunately it requires a lot of hard working, dedicated and smart individuals to pool together and challenge the evil, to repel it. And even more unfortunately for us, this is becoming increasingly more difficult with all the censorship, political division and the fact "our" government has been corrupted by the same evil.

> Maybe a smart anon on here knows what to do, they are largely silent though.

Many know what has to be done but very few dare speak about it openly. First we need a lot of smart resourceful people, brave honorable people going into politics to reverse the downward spiral trend we are in. We also need to start supporting our local communities and start building our own free market system outside the current fiat currency controlled system to challenge the biggest enemy of prosperity: the US Federal Reserve. Whether or not you know it, we are now living under total centralized control: the US Government having full control over society and infrastructure and the US Federal Reserve having monopolistic control over our economy and living standards. If you do not like the conditions you are living under you have those two entities largely to blame.