I have an old Optiplex 380 with 1 GB RAM that runs Windows Vista on it, debloated from Microsoft's unnecessary crapware with auto-update disabled. It runs just fine, I can rip CDs and DVDs, convert files, run just about anything I need including office software and it hardly takes up any CPU at all, even when running multiple tasks! Super fast and reliable. That technology is almost 20 year old and it still runs just fine!
I've heard about those newer Microsoft operating systems and they suck ass. Slower, bloated to the brim with spyware that wastes up CPU, random forced "auto-updates" which can only be completed if you hook the system up online, user has next to no control over system admin settings.... NO THANKS!! You can keep that newer garbage we would called botnets back in the day. I'll keep my older utilities that actually function the way I desire them to.