More images from there. The favicon is from the LibGen library website. Info on Library Genesis in Wikipedia:
> ipfs://bafybeiawrb2bf7l3ns4wc4qanwcofvjn6w722ds3vz4g7toqqh45cz5jqu
Folder link. Here is the file link:
"My Drive/Folder/aaaa.zip":
* Details > "Who has access": "Private to you"
* Activity > [item uploaded by me in 2017-08-24 4:59:21 PM]
* Moved to "Trash" in Sun 05 Mar 2023 06:18:~14 PM UTC
* Deleted from Trash in Sun 05 Mar 2023 06:20:~26 PM UTC
* upstream and downstream SHA1 hash: c09a006ceb352754522d62fcda6909e471d00644
"My Drive/Folder/aaaa.zip" > "File details":
- "Type": "Compressed Archive"
- "Size": "3.7 MB"
- "Storage used": "3.7 MB"
- "Owner": "me"
- "Modified": "Aug 24, 2017, 4:59:21 PM by me"
- "Opened": "Mar 5, 2023 by me"
- "Created": "Aug 24, 2017"
- "Download permissions": "Viewers can download"
- "Description": ""