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> The poll, Results of our Title IX poll: take accusations to the courts, is a poll taken that describes the dispute between Obama’s Dear Colleague Letter, and DeVos new policy on Title IX. The poll asked several questions regarding how colleges should handle sexual assault accusations. The poll asked hundreds of people and the winning result was that accusations should be handed to the police and taken to the courts. The conductor of the survey is Jerry Coyne, a famous writer and biologist. Since he conducted a survey he’s trying not only to reach the public, but the education department. Coyne and the general public believe that the school should not have any involvement when it comes to mandating investigations with accusations. This poll contrast with a handful of articles because instead of picking a side, Coyne sides with the idea of handing all evidence and accusations over to authorities.
> Culture of Respect. “Statistics at a Glance,” cultureofrespect. 2016. November 2, 2017.
> https://cultureofrespect.org/the-issue/statistics-at-a-glance/.
> In the article Statistics at a Glance, is a background article written to give facts about rape and assault on school campuses. The article gives information amongst men and women regarding their race, sexual orientation, if they are in a sorority/fraternities, and how all the categories go hand in hand with sexual assault statistics. The author of the article is Culture of Respect. Culture of Respect is organization organized by parents of college-aged students who were shocked by the high number of sexual assault on a campus, and wanted there to be more awareness to the topic. The audience is not only families affected by an assault, but people who want to do something about the high rate crime college students face. This article will compare with the document U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics’ Campus Climate Study Confirms Epidemic of College Sexual Assault, because both articles aim to bring awareness to sexual assault on a school campus.
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> “Dear Colleague Letter: Sexual Violence Background, Summary, and Fast Facts,” obamawhitehouse. April 4, 2017. October 25, 2017. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default/files/fact_sheet_sexual_violence.pdf.
> Dear Colleague Letter: Sexual Violence Background, Summary, and Fast Facts, is a document that breaks down the Dear Colleague Letter. The article summarizes why Title IX was established and why it’s an important to have in society; “[it] prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity.” Although there is no author’s name given, the document does acknowledge that Vice President Biden and Secretary Duncan discussed the legal guidelines public schools have to follow. The intended audience seems to be the public who wants general information on the Dear Colleague Letter, and why it has such significance in society. This document is non-complex that gives the intended audience appreciable information to understand Title IX. The article can compare with other articles regarding the background of the Title IX law because much like the other articles, the document gives statistics, interesting information and the key points of the policy.
> EROC. “U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics’ Campus Climate Study Confirms Epidemic of College Sexual Assault,” endrapeoncampus. January 26, 2016. November 2, 2017. http://endrapeoncampus.org/eroc-blog/2016/1/26/bjs-campus-climate-survey-key-highlights.
> U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics’ Campus Climate Study Confirms Epidemic of College Sexual Assault, is a document that gives statistics to the public according to the organization’s results. The document states that thirty-four percent of college undergraduates have been sexually assaulted, and that LGBT students have a greater chance of being assaulted than other students. The organization who wrote this article is EROC (End Rape on Campus). EROC is a