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> intended audience is society. HRC aims to reach everyone of public, so the article was written in a controversial tone. This article will compare with the article U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics’ Campus Climate Study Confirms Epidemic of College Sexual Assault, because both articles aim to make people understand that LGBTQ members have the worst side of sexual assault crimes.
> Johnson, KC and Taylor, Stuart. “Betsy DeVos is right: In college sexual assault cases, due process matters.” USATODAY. July 28, 2017. October 31, 2017. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2017/07/28/betsy-devos-right-sexual-assault-cases-due-process-kc-johnson-stuart-taylor-column/493320001/.
> The article, Betsy DeVos is right: In college sexual assault cases, due process matters, is an article regarding the topic of DeVos reinforcing the due process for campus accusations. The article explains that DeVos believes that the Obama administration made it too easy to find someone guilty without evidence. The authors of this article are KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor. Both authors are highly respected members of the community. Johnson is a professor at Brooklyn College and Taylor is a top of the line lawyer and journalist for several newspaper companies. The audience to authors are writing to seems to be both sides of the public who either agree or disagree with the Dear Colleague Letter. Although the article’s title indicates that DeVos is correct on the policy, the article doesn’t try to persuade the reader into thinking a specific way. Instead it makes the reader think policy and if it is being fairly executed. This article compares with all articles because since the tone is neutral it will be easy it use all evidence to support one another.
> Johnson, KC and Taylor, Stuart. “The path to Obama’s ‘Dear Colleague’ Letter,” washingtonpost. January 31, 2017. September 20, 2017.
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> https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/01/31/the-path-to-obamas-dear-colleague-letter/?utm_term=.d5bad3b5ac27.
> The article, The path to Obama’s ‘Dear Colleague’ letter, is an article written to criticize Obama’s Dear Colleague Letter. The article makes it a point to highlight how the Obama administration office didn’t give notice to the public upon the rewrite of the Title IX policy. The article also makes the policy seem as if there is an accusation being brought forth, then automatically the accuser is guilty, whereas the policy makes it harder for schools who have federal funding to sweep accusations under the rug. The authors of the article are KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor. Both authors are highly respected members of the community. Johnson is a professor at Brooklyn College and Taylor is a top of the line lawyer and journalist for several newspaper companies. The audience for the article is people who believe that the Dear Colleague Letter did more harm than good. This group of people believe that the government should have no say in how schools should run their campuses. This article relates with multiple articles because they side with campus officials instead of the government officials.
> Kuta, Sarah. "Boulder forging ahead on Title IX." dailycamera. July 25, 2015. October 6, 2017. http://www.dailycamera.com/cu-news/ci_28534509/two-years-into-federal-investigation-cu-boulder-forging.
> Boulder forging ahead on Title IX is a report on a rape survivor who attended University of Colorado. The author who wrote this report is a successful writer for the company Daily Camera. The report is designed to bring awareness to college students, especially young female college students who party. The report goes in depth with what happened that night to the victim, and how she was out drinking with her friends when the encounter took place with who she thought to be one of her close friends. The report is a great benefit to the presentation because it