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> sympathy the University has for victims of sexual assault. This article is going to work with other articles chosen because it shows why there needs to be a policy placed in all schools, and why schools should not have the freedom to implement their own policy on the campus. It’s also going to advocate for the victims who’ve been assaulted and haven’t had the proper help bring the accuser consequences.
> "Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey." ucdenver. August 2016. October 4, 2017. http://equity.ucdenver.edu/survey/.
> The next article, Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey, is an article written to summarize the survey taken by college students, who surveyed local people in their community in order to find the results of how many victims there were of sexual assault. The survey was conducted by college students who are associated with the University of Colorado Office of Equity program. Office of Equity is a program designed to help prevent sexual assault in their community, and help raise awareness to students. The audience of Office of Equity is the community. Office of Equity does not try and focus solely on victims, but to everyone so they can get better educated about Title IX. Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey, differs from the other articles because its focus isn’t on victims. Rather than just giving statistics that show how many people are being sexually assaulted, they focus on informing their audience on the consequences of their actions. Unlike the other articles this article is going to show a preventative measure that helps show all sides of sexual assault.
> Snider, Stephanie. “Realities of Sexual Assault on Campus.” BestColleges. 2017. October 4, 2017. http://www.bestcolleges.com/resources/preventing-sexual-assault/.
> The article Realities of Sexual Assault on Campus is an article written by a team of several members who educate the public on specific colleges and inform the reader about what
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> each school has to offer and the risk factor behind them. The article in particular regarding sexual assault on campus, is an informative article that states the statistics of the currency of the crime, unreported crime rate, prevention, the aftermath and etc. The authors aim for the audience of upperclassman of high schoolers and students in college. This is because these group of young adults are the essential target. They are vulnerable and are more likely to be attracted to partying and hangout spots associated with people their age. This article is a great base starter. Having limited prior background information regarding the topic of sexual assault on campus, this article covers great lengths of information. It gives the reader the basic information of campus assault, but doesn’t get into depth. It also helps to give the reader the information they need while looking for potential colleges to attend.
> The Times Editorial Board. “Hey, Betsy DeVos, keep your hands off sexual assault standards.” Latimes. August 18, 2017. October 13, 2017. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/editorials/la-ed-campus-sexual-assault-20170818-story.html.
> Hey, Betsy DeVos, keep your hands off sexual assault standards, is an article that is written by furious people who graciously believe in Title IX policy for schools. The article covers why Betsy DeVos should let the policy remain in place, and how victims that are being assaulted feel like they have to remain silent. Although there is no specific author for the article, it is edited by The Times Editorial Board. The Board is a group of educated editors who are very sufficient at their jobs. The intended audience seems to people who believe in DeVos new standards because the article gives statistics of how many victims of sexual assault there are, and the tone of the article seems to be set on describing how DeVos is wrong and should’ve left Title IX how it was. This article is going to compare great with the article New Title IX Guidance