meta:static text@Epoch 1679141998
Text wrapping here seems messed up, so here is a repost:
This torrent is from like 2009, so I am trying to see if I can seed it now. I have this file named "Alex Jones - Dark secrets inside Bohemian grove (1st) (english) (2000) --- 15-30.wmv". It seems that years ago I renamed "Alex Jones - Dark secrets inside Bohemian grove (1st) (english) (2000).wmv" to that filename. I guess the "15-30" part indicates that I quit watching it at 00:15:30. Here is hashes+properties of file "*15-30.wmv" and file "2940a3207c0cd86a4a1afeb9b82f36a4fe791231.torrent":
* folder link:
file link:
Upload at 2023-03-18T01:46:32.519Z
SHA1 hash of file: ff5556a3a8dbfa9bdc547da4e13a9065f5a9eeeb
Info on drive /mnt/My_Passport/ - which contained the video file: see the lines under "# Wed Dec 29 19:~56:38 2021 UTC" in
My file matches 100% with torrent 2940a3207c0cd86a4a1afeb9b82f36a4fe791231 - magnet link:
see >>/45995/