Yep, Johnny shit up /pnd/ pretty badly, lol. Total goon. If he wants a place ruined he'll spend all day and night to ruin it. Psychopath mentality.
Hope you had fun anon. Honestly the last thing I like to do when I get drunk (these days) is go out. It's almost looking for trouble if your drunk out in public at night.
> i'm not fucking with deer, they can kill you, man
I live near a ton of deer around a wooded area. They are scared shitless of humans out where I live. If they spot you from a couple acres away they dash off real fast. Probably due to the fact lots of people hunt them in my State.
> i didn't find the mushroom
Were you looking for morel mushrooms by any chance? They're very delicious to eat if cooked properly. Problem is they are very hard to find and will only come out a few days per year, when it gets hot enough in spring time. They grow fast and die fast. I hunt for them every year but it is really hit or miss.