Days ago I found a real use for that tiny pocket in the main pocket of denim jeans. Just don't forget about it before washing the clothes...

> I think you can get 8TBs for ~$100 now, but I would prefer to have them external HDDs for convienence.
I also like external HDDs, and that is mainly what I have been working with. The largest external HDD you can get is 5TB, I think. There's larger external hard disk drives, but I think for all of the ones >5TB power over USB is not enough so you have to plug them into a wall outlet. Having an external HDD plugged into a wall's electrical outlet is not as convenient, poses a risk to someone pulling the wire and it falling down and breaking, and at that point might as well just use an internal HDD. Therefore, it seems that 5TB external HDDs are best as they are powered by USB only.