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been busy doin shit; today, however, i got some weird appletini in a testtube & a espresso martini in a can
the appletini is a bit bland, buts its alright, for a 30%, it tastes like 0, lol; good to get fucked up off of
the espresso is a bit rough (i had it before), but it'll absolutely wake your ass up, i normally don't care for coffee, but they actually did a good job on it; it reminds me of past years ago, getting annihilated off coffee vodka & pissing around on tf2 deathrun maps, getting 10 people at once to do the peter griffin laugh in voicechat
the sweet stuff'll sneak up on you hard
to prevent hangovers i use picklejuice & poweraid, it just works
rabbits fight, but it still feels weird though, those sounds were so strange, i wonder if someone dumped a exotic animal near by
on the topic of spooky ghosts, right now i got a bunch of stuff in a cupboard that magically throws itself all over; theres literally no fucking way it should be happening, shit just falls over, clumsy ass ghosts, man; the house is also from the 50's, so its had time to get some spookies, doesn't help that i brought shit that might be haunted anyways
drinking my the river is the best, though i prefer to do it at mornings while watching all the flora & fauna wake up