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havin a gin & tonic again, still my usual, usual is good though i wanted to watch the fireflies all night, but it got cold pretty quickly; did see some really bright ones & one that kept flashing every 4 seconds for about 30 min straight, thing was a juggernaut recently got an old style treadmill, manual; i've made it a sort of vow to do at least 1 hour 30 min on it every day now; its pretty damn good for something that was $25 off a thrift store, easily worth 200 imho, super compact & easy to use, plus i get to use my natural 3-4 mph gait by default finally got my id for this state, so i'm gonna start getting guns again, which is fun; i did get a gun from a gunstore back where i lived via mail though, they literally called to tell me about the guns the got recently while i was away, so i could take my pick, because they know i'm damn well gonna get them; so now i got a gun coming my way again lol >>/46662/ > Are deer the kangaroos of America? eh, sorta, they're everywhere, but unlike the other anon said, they're not THAT afraid of people the deer watch me through the window as i watch them eat, so it ain't that bad > Nasty stuff, but then again I'm a connoisseur of bottom-shelf vino i'd say gin is an "aquired taste", but it ain't; its like any other liquor, you like it or you don't, it is what it is i hate whiskey, beer, white wine (+ most dry wines), and rum (i ruined myself on rum though, still); they're undrinkable to me, just can't do it (since i ruined myself on rum, i'll straight up vomit at the smell of it however, unlike the others, which i just really, really, really, don't like) >>/46663/ its summer in the US, but it sure don't feel like it where i'm at, albeit, i come from a desert originally >>/46667/ congrats on the fun, but don't kill yourself with alcoholism; remember, you can't drink alcohol if you're dead >>/46675/ i always wished i could have played those, they looked so fun >>/46676/ from what i've heard, those make some of the worse coffee though? look up "technology connections coffee percolator youtube" for a seriously great explanation when i do drink coffee (which i very rarely do), i drink an instant coffee from singapore, shits great stuff, legit; other people i know who are huge coffee lovers have tried it & even they said it was seriously good; i originally got it off a japanese ramen shop, never gone back from it >>/46874/ thanks for the bump, i truly appreciate it